How a 3-Minute Shower Soak Routine Solved

My Yellow Nails and Bad Smell

 And my wife is just as relieved as I am

For more than a year, I struggled with toenail fungus and felt like I’d never get rid of it. I had no idea how I even got this fungus. At first, I thought it was due to wearing sneakers or heavy work boots all day. But I was so wrong.

It started with cloudy yellow toenails, which I didn’t think much of at first. I ignored it, hoping it would just go away, but things only got worse!

My feet began to itch and burn during the day. The worst part was the awful smell of my feet. I was so embarrassed to take off my shoes! The appearance of my feet and toenails was awful. I tried to hide it from my wife, but it didn’t work—the odor from my smelly feet was unmistakable, like a dirty gym bag! My wife started putting my shoes out in the garage to mask the smell. She then began placing baking soda in my shoes to dry them out and eliminate the odor. She insisted that I start washing my feet daily with Epsom salts and hydrogen peroxide to tackle the issue. However, just when things seemed to improve, my feet appeared to get worse again. It felt like the infection would never go away. The pain and smell would return, leaving my nails and feet dry and unpleasant once more!


I tried to treat it myself with over the counter products from the local pharmacy. I searched online and discovered many options that others had used. Some of them seemed outrageous, but I was beyond caring. I used a wide range of remedies, including Epsom salts, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, oregano oil, garlic, vapor rub, and Listerine. One suggestion even claimed that urinating on my feet would eliminate the fungus.

My wife started putting my shoes outside in the garage to hide the smell. Then she began using baking soda in my shoes to dry them out and make them smell better. My wife made me start washing my feet every day with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to try and fix the problem. But just when things seemed to be improving, my feet seemed to get worse. It felt like the infection was always there. The pain and smell came back, and my nails and feet were dry and smelly again!

Unfortunately, that didn’t help either! I was amazed at the lengths people go to try and get rid of the fungus. It affects far more people than I ever realized! Despite trying everything, nothing worked. I felt like one of those desperate individuals, but honestly, I didn’t care. My feet looked really unhealthy.

 Not only did the fungus spread, but my wife also became infected.

"I never realized toenail fungus was so contagious, and I really upset my wife!" After keeping her distance from me for a while, my wife began to develop yellow toenails as well. She was horrified and said that my smelly shoes and dirty socks probably spread the infection. She wasn’t sure if she caught it from me, my shoes, my socks, or my dirty towels. I got blamed for everything because fungus thrives in moist, dirty shoes and socks.

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Since none of the home remedies were effective, we decided it was time to consult a doctor. The prescriptions he gave us cost a fortune over the course of a year. He prescribed Penlac, Kerydin, and Jublia, but none of the medications were effective, so we explored other options. We were warned that if the fungus penetrated deeper into our toes and skin, he might need to surgically remove our toenails to reach the fungus roots if the meds didn’t work. We were shocked, and my wife was on the verge of tears. She was terrified of the pain and said she would never wear sandals again if she had no toenails. We tried everything and various prescriptions to get rid of the fungus, but nothing seemed to work for long.

What I Did Daily to Remove the Toenail Fungus

Eliminating fungus is a nightmare. I discovered that we needed to address the multiple layers of the infection—it's not just a skin issue.

The fungus has to be suffocated, and the skin needs to be softened before applying any treatment. You have to expose the fungus by opening the skin to reach the fungus roots, allowing for more direct treatment.

I had tried countless options, and it felt like a never-ending battle. I was about to give up when I stumbled upon a new approach online: a shower soak routine. Thankfully, this 3-minute shower soak routine made a significant difference and helped us resolve the issue completely. We followed the routine after every shower, and it successfully exposed the nail fungus, with the solution ultimately removing the fungus entirely.

 Bye-Bye Fungus . . . We’re Excited to Wear Sandals Again

Fortunately, after dedicating a few weeks to the 3-minute shower routine and applying this solution daily, the irritation gradually disappeared, and my nails and feet improved significantly each day. My wife noticed changes in her feet too, and she started feeling better about her nails. Our nails were no longer thick and yellow; they have completely grown back.

foot washing in spa before treatment. spa treatment and product for female feet and hand spa. white flowers in ceramic bowl with water for aroma therapy at spa.

Now, our nails are looking better than ever, and our feet are healthy again.

"It’s been several months since we ended the treatment, and the most exciting part is that the fungus hasn’t returned!"

My wife is now getting her nails done again and happily wearing sandals without any embarrassment!

This daily shower routine worked for us after we both suffered for so long, so it could work for you too!

Watch the video below to see the process. It’s worth the extra few minutes! It changed my life and my feet, and my wife is thrilled too!

Click the button or image below to discover how this 3-minute shower ritual eliminates toenail fungus for good! 👇

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