This Simple Breakfast Hack Took Me from 209 to 134!
My Transformation
By Lydia Olson, from Portland, OR
I still get teary-eyed when I think of the day that I weighed in at 209!
For years I could never lose that "baby" muffin top after having 3 kids.
I tried exercising regularly and cutting out every single food that tastes good. I only dropped 3 or 4 here and there, but my results were always the same… I always regained that flab plus more.
I tried every weight-loss program out there, but they never worked for me!
Did it help that I had tons of stress from trying to be a mom, a homemaker, a gym bunny (HA!) and a career woman all at once?
It's no wonder my intimacy with my husband vanished and I caught him always staring at younger women... even after everything I did for him.
I was sacrificing everything to try to be a "perfect mom"... only to look in the mirror one day and realize there was nothing perfect about me.
I was tired, dumpy, frumpy, and angry all the time... and that's when I knew something needed to change.
And not only that -- it also had to be something realistic to MY schedule. I couldn't just magically add more hours to the day... so I looked online for something faster and easier.
Then one night I was at dinner with a friend of mine who looks amazing now after having 2 kids. I had to ask, "Susan, what is your secret?"
Susan proceeded to share with me this simple breakfast hack that she had been following for 3 months. I saw the incredible results with my own eyes!
I was skeptical so I decided to give my doctor a call and go over the ingredients with him. He told me it looked perfect and recommended I give it a try.
The first thing I noticed was the fact I became full of energy, and I was able to control my hunger urges. In fact, after following this breakfast hack I was not hungry.
In the first few weeks I was able to lose 2 inches off my waistline! I finally felt I was able to control my hunger.
I continued with this breakfast hack, and also decided to start eating healthier. Instead of pizza I went for grilled chicken or fish with vegetables and so on..
I am feeling amazing, and I finally have energy to play with my kids again! I lost a total of 75 lbs. and went from 209 to 134 and I can wear my skinny jeans once again.
As you see my body has completely changed!
Oh, and my husband is finally keeping his eyes where they belong...on ME! And I could say more about that...but I won't 😉
Click the button below for this simple breakfast hack and try it out yourself..
I know you'll love it!
Supporting your journey in health,
Lydia O.
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